I'm thrilled to host Tamalyn Dallal, world renknown dance artist, master instructor, filmmaker, and writer, in her first workshop in Camas!

"Tamalyn Style" includes a bit of several topics that Tamalyn would like to share from her 40+ years of experience: "Earth and Sky", "6 Points of Focus," a shimmy drill, Internal vs External movement, expressive upper body, and a bit of veil.
When: Sunday July 30, 11am-1pm
Where: Malia's Dance Studio, 228 NE 19th Ave, Camas WA 98607
Cost: $65
What to bring: hip scarf, water bottle, veil
How to register: Venmo full amount to @MaliaChristina. Space is limited.
More about Tamalyn: www.tamalyndallal.com